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Multiple Students Scored Above The 97th Percentile On The CogAT By Following These Steps

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This past year, there were a number of students across the country who were placed into Gifted-Talented programs due to their outstanding CogAT scores. 

However, unlike in past years, these students did not appear for their exams without any prior preparation. 

They had actually previously scored within the 60th-80th percentile on the CogAT, but somehow raised their scores through 6 months of training. 

In fact, there were a few students who scored in the 99th percentile but were still learning how to read due to their young age.  


Alongside the talented five-year-olds, there were a few students who had a gap in their academic careers, due to the fact that they had just moved to the United States from a different country, but were still able to score within the 98th percentile.  

Despite their age, background, and academic abilities, they were able to raise their scores from the 60th percentile to the 97th-99th percentile. You must be wondering.....

How Did They Do It?

There are 5 preparation techniques that these students utilized to maximize their success. You will learn about two of them below.


Step 1: The Approach

Students who are placed into Gifted-Talented programs typically have a unique mindset. This unique mindset is reflected in how they plan on qualifying for such programs. 

Average Student

Gifted Student

Average students prepare for the exam


Gifted students prepare for the program

The average student will spend 1-4 months intensively preparing for the CogAT, only to find out that they did not score high enough to qualify for Gifted-Talented programs. 

Gifted students, on the other hand, spend anywhere between 6-8 months thoroughly learning each and every concept that is assessed on the CogAT Exam. 

Gifted students approach the CogAT by solidifying their foundations, dedicating one month to learn and master each concept assessed, and consistently practicing the material on a weekly basis in order to retain what they have learned. 

In order for your child to perform well on the exam, they must think like a gifted student and approach the CogAT just as a gifted-student would, by preparing for the exam 6 months ahead of time, in order to prevent cramming information. 

Step 2: Strategies

If practice was all it took to qualify for Gifted-Talented programs, then every child would land a spot in one.


Given that such programs are very selective, practice alone will not be sufficient.


Your child must use strategies in order to perform well on the exam. 

There are certain strategies that boost speed and accuracy on the exam. Students use such techniques in order to score above the 97th-99th percentile. 

If you would like to learn about:

✔️ CogAT strategies that have landed students into Gifted-Talented programs


✔️ How to ensure an amazing CogAT score for your child

✔️How to secure 72 months of academic success for your child

Simply attend our free session for parents, and accelerate your child's academic career today!

Free Session

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