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Computer Science Guide
How to Break Into The Field
Step 1: Coursework
Achieve good grades in Mathematics & Computer Science
Taking courses such as Pre-Calculus & AP® Computer Science help, but are not required
Why does this matter?
Computer Science majors are often required to take difficult Math courses in college.
Hence, you must prove to the colleges that you can handle difficult Math courses from the start
Action to Take this Summer
Get your child ahead of next year's Math subject by studying it in the Summer.
A reputable program to help with this is Ace VL's Mathematics Summer Mastery Program.
The program is perfect for busy students as it is not very time-demanding, and many students who perform well academically go through the program.
Simply select the subject your child will take from below to get started:
Step 2: Extracurricular Activities
Colleges like to see extracurriculars that have a positive impact on the community, school, etc, as it implies that you would make a significant contribution to the college.
Here are some extracurricular examples that encompass similar values:
Launching a startup/app that solves a problem that other high schoolers face in school.
Examples: Long lines at lunch, difficulty with course selection, etc.
Start a club that helps host/lead hackathons
This demonstrates passion
& leadership skills
Step 3: Professional Experience
Another great way to break into the field of Computer Science is by pursuing a form of professional experience.
This can be done through getting an internship, or participating in a prestigious Summer Program.
Final Takeaways:
Get good grades in Math/Comp Sci courses by getting ahead in the Summer, preferably through a structured program as mentioned before.
Take part in impactful extracurriculars that demonstrate passion, leadership, and desire to innovate/solve problems
Get practical professional experience through internships or Summer Programs.
Questions? Call (805)-242-6333 for free guidance!
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