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Student Feedback Form
Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible with the most detail:
Your First name
Teacher's Name
Select Your Class Timings
Mon/Wed (3-4 PM PST)
Mon/Wed (4-5 PM PST)
Tue/Thu (3-4 PM PST)
Tue/Thu (4-5 PM PST)
Select Today's Date
How challenging is the homework from the AMSCO's textbook that we have been using?
Very Challenging, I am overwhelmed
Perfect amount of challenge, I feel prepared for Algebra 2
Too Easy, I need harder homework to feel prepared for Algebra 2
How was today's class' pacing?
Too Fast
Just Right
Too Slow
Which topic(s) have you had the most difficulty with in the past?
Provide an honest rating for today's class:
Provide an honest rating for today's class:
Thank you for your feedback!
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